Slot Monitoring
As the UK’s designated slot coordinator, part of our function is to monitor misuse of slots by carriers at the airports we coordinate. Monitoring helps to ensure proper use of slots and fair access to limited airport resources by all airport users.
Misuse covers operations without a slot, early or late operation and the use of a slot in a significantly different way to that allocated. Misuse is defined in the Regulations and more information on exactly what constitutes misuse can be found here.
ACL acts in accordance with the Regulatory pillars of independence, fairness and transparency. In order to best ensure this, carriers have the right to engage with ACL at various stages of the sanctions process and access to independent review of sanctions imposed (click here for more information).
In this section of the website, you can find out how we monitor compliance, our sanctions process, the defence to slots misuse and a carrier’s right to appeal.
The FAQ section gives answers to common questions.
More detailed information can be found in the UK’s Airports Slot Allocation Regulations 2006 and in the Enforcement Code, links to which are provided in the Useful Resources section.